The Costs of Neglect

"What makes your book so different?" She tilted her head slightly, curious to hear what I would say. 

"The concept," I answered without hesitating. "Not enough businesswomen think of how the bandwidth of their leadership and influence is directly connected to their food."


I truly believe that not enough books break with the smooth talking and band aid solutions. 

My grandparents and mom always warned me: "A soft doctor creates stinking wounds." A leftover of two world wars, a mother who died young of gangreen due to an insecure doctor and all the survival skills they had up their sleeves to heal wounded soldiers that knocked on their door. 

I was always intrigued by their saying and when I heard it the first time, I stopped crying at the doctor when he ripped off the sticky bandaid from another one of too many stitched up accidents (I was sensitive to bad odors )

I like to think of myself as straight forward and honest when it comes to saying things as...

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How to "Embody" Your Health

Today I was reading a daily excerpt in "Marie-Claire's Book Club" out of the fourth chapter in my book "Plant Based for Profits - How to Eat for Success." The title of step four is "Embody."


I already had the word jotted down in my mental note pad when I started writing, as it speaks so much to me. There is a roundness to it, it has so much... body to its sound. Even though I had a good intuitive feel of what it meant, I did look up the definition.


"Em-bo-dy" - be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling)."


To me, this chapter is all about "becoming" and the BE-ness of our actions versus the DO-ness.


BE-ness is the silent integrity when the cameras stop rolling and our loud DO-ness has no listeners or viewers anymore.


It is about internalizing and fully absorbing the good we do for ourselves, even when that may seem scary or extreme at first.


I won't lie. It was the hardest chapter to...

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Why You Keep Failing in Your Wellbeing

No matter the journey you embark on, there is always a parcours of learning, organizing, testing, practicing, implementing best practices on repeat. Whether that's starting a business, publishing a book a first time or... shifting to a plant based lifestyle.

A lot can happen during that time of putting your foot in something completely new. At first, you may 'fail' more than you succeed.

(That's ok. It is called 'learning.')

 Actually, it may take much longer to get it right for a few reasons -and sometimes I do bump into them myself as well-.

Not asking for support (there's still shame in acknowledging that you need help with something as natural as 'eating' for instance).

Sitting in the fear of making mistakes (I was there for a few weeks before deciding to tackle publishing slowly but steadily, step by step).

Gathering proof for what you believe, and talking yourself out of your intention (we SO love being "right")

These are a few things I address in my book when it comes...

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